Wednesday 29 July 2015

Maze of life. How to escape?

It's been a while - I guess it's life that's just gets in the way. All the everyday drama - one can only manage for so long. I'm sure I'm not alone here, there's probably millions of us, who feel like we don't belong - the 'syndrome of emmigration' as I call it. The constant dilemmas at the back of your head, the need to compare every single aspect of your life. BING BING BING. You tested positive...
You see, I spent several of my child years in the UK, in a seaside town, living my everyday seaside life in peace and harmony (prior to this chapter in my life I spent my younger childhood in Cracow). Then came the move back. Wasn't much of a shock really;it was to be expected - the grass is always greener on the otherside. So here we are, almost 3 years later... a sensible teenager wanting to bloom, not knowing where. Every situation has something to offer, but none are ideal. I will sound slightly if not very cringy saying this but c'est la vie, right? WRONG. I'm of the opinion that you cannot blame the wrongs in your life on the sheer outcome of situations that you have no control over. If it concerns you, you need to be proactive and work out how to change it so that the outcome suits you. Sounds pretty straight forward, but in reality everything becomes a maze, windy and illogical.

So how to escape from a lose lose situation?

1) Concentrate on things that are right in your life. Things that for example you wouldn't be able to explore if it wasn't for that particular way something had happened in the past.

2) Find or further explore your interests. It's a great way to pass the time. Had too much spare time and you just can't help thinking excessively? Sign up to a class (yes, you have to spend money on it, but.... it's a super way to meet a new crowd as well as, broaden your horizons)

3) Get them feelings out on a page, old school style, pen and paper only. (There's nothing like knowing what state you were in whilst writing your 'dairy' by your handwriting)

4) Be active. Go for a walk, even if the weather doesn't encourage you to do so, go anyway. If you're up for it, go for a run, or do something till you're too tired to think.

5) Read a book for a change - I know I should. The internet does have the effect of making us humans unsocial creatures. Let's not be so depressing.
