Wednesday 26 August 2015


Today I just feel like presenting things/people to you - in hope of inspiring you guys. I thought that this would be the best way to do it - easy and clear. 

A true warrior. His story is more than inspiring. He's a Chinese contemporary artist and activist that was until July of this year under country arrest. His passport had been confiscated in 2011 due to his openly critical views towards the Chinese authorities (to say the least) Until today, I still thought he was country bound;doesn't life surprise you? 

He studied at the Beijing Film Academy and moved to the U.S. in 1981. You should definitely listen to some documentaries and interviews with him. It's definitely not a waste of your time. In fact it'll probably make you consider how lucky we are here in Europe to live in such freedom, where you can talk about everything with openness that we tend to overlook...

I've only been lucky enough to see one of his works, yesterday in fact at the MOCAK museum. The black dots are meant to represent oil stains (they're made from porcelain) - the badness in the world, the injustice, everything that makes our world 'polluted'.
Forever (2013) by Ai Weiwei

One of Ai Weiwei's most iconic piece of art is his 'Bicyles exhibition'. It's coming to London this September so if you're anywhere near there, be sure to check the thing out - I'd love to if I had the chance...


 To say I am a fan of this man is the understatement of the century. I am obsessed with his books. They may not be everyone's cup of tea, as with most authors, but they definitely do the thing for me.... 

A quick profile intro: 
~Japanese contemporary author
~ his books have been translated into over 50 languages.
~internationally best-selling author 
His works are tagged as surrealistic with a touch of fantasy, not at all Japanese as one would expect. I myself, would describe them as a melancholic reminiscence of youth. I've read many of his short stories and my most recent read Kafka on the Shore is one of my personal favourites... A book that combines two interrelated plots craftily, about a mad old man and a 15 year old runaway. If you're one for mystery, terror, fantasy and complex love affairs this book is one for you. What I loved about it was the many references to literature and ancient traditions. 

You should also get your hands on his classic Norwegian Wood... A love story one won't forget. 


Lately she has been a key figure when it comes to inspiring. She's a singer from Denmark, now 27 years old. I discovered her over a year ago, by pure coincidence (through tumblr). I would describe her sound as electronic indie with a tendency towards street and soul . Her voice is pure and charismatic, her music is true to itself, you can hear the meaning behind the lyrics...Chills...
She recently had a concert in Cracow and my friend and I decided to sit outside because we couldn't afford to buy the tickets (the concert was in a tent). I heard her voice perfectly and I had the best time... 

Go and explore. This is one of my favourite songs, the one I fell in love with first. Her whole album is worth listening to.
Julia xo

Thursday 20 August 2015

90s vintage outfit ft. Stella

Once again I'm back my friends. It's the time for a vintage outfit of the day. A perfect solution for a colder summer's day, early autumn and for spring. Very versatile - you could even stretch it and go ahead to say that it could work as a winter outfit, thrown on a padded leather jacket and your ready to rock on!

I don't this it's necessary to comment on the video as I did the previous time. Just go and see it - that's what I would recommend! It features my lovely friend Stella (whose blog you are welcome to check out ~~~~STELLA'S BLOG).

Summer is almost out, and everything seems pretty pointless. Apart from blogging and avid reading (at least my attempts to do so) I spend my days wondering what adulthood will feel like. My main objective is to find a passion that I will sacrifice things for, that I will always find time for. Maybe I'm just getting the blues, or maybe this is what youth is meant to feel like.
There are so many inspiring teenagers out there. The fellow bloggers, vloggers, friends etc. My mind is filled with admiration for them. I aim to achieve things just like them. One step at a time right? Everyone has to start from some place. Expressing myself through the internet isn't such a bad place to start. If nothing comes of it, at least I'll have memories.
So I guess this is 'toast' to a blossoming flower which is my blog. Hoping to inspire others, who are lost in the path to finding 'life enlightenment'.

 A mini photo session took place too... Seeing as black and white is my favourite, here you have a few spontaneous pics that came out, well just like that SPONTANEOUS!

Have a great weekend :)

the t-shirt is thrifted,pendants are from eBay...

the belt is from  reserved and my pale jeans are a hand me down from mom, but they're originally MANGO.

Add caption

~Julia xo

Sunday 16 August 2015


Since this is my second film review/recommendation, I thought it'd be a good idea to have a group name for these type of posts. I hope to be doing these fairly often, whenever I watch something that is out of this world good - maybe I should do ones about films I don't like? Comment your thoughts about that below to let me know!
So.. TAXI TEHERAN - an Iranian film by an Iranian director (Jafar Panahi) filmed 'undercover' whilst the director himself was driving a taxi around Teheran. Some may say that you can't technically call Panahi the director of this film because there are no credits, but any two eyes can see that he is clearly the one doing the directing. An interesting perspective - by this I mean camera shots that Panahi often turns himself , maybe to make the whole project look my authentic, more lifelike (although I don't think it can get anymore realistic than this), this is a masterpiece like none I've seen. It's a world away from the classic artistic films I maybe a sucker for, but this is innovative.. and well, DARING! Knowing that Panahi has had major problems with the government in the past, problems that resulted in him being house bound, later country bound, filming this was a risk, one that requires courage. This situation is still the case to this day. He is forbidden to film in any way or form, nevertheless, here I am reviewing a substantial work in his cinematography.
To sum the film up in the simplest way possible I would say that it's a politically packed work of genius. Surprisingly funny, diverse in its plot - there are accidents, old ladies with fish, black market foreign film selling, and even Panahi's niece stars in it along side him, adding a note  innocence that I found refreshing.
some snapshots from the film
A Golden Bear at the 65th Berlin Film Festival is well deserved... Watch the trailer and comment your first impressions. If you can, do go to the cinema and see it - it's one of those movies that stay with you.

~ Julia xo

Thursday 13 August 2015


Having some spare time on my hands yesterday (there was a power cut in the evening) I edited another short OOTD video. As beforehand, this time round there isn't a lot to my outfit. A simple halter neck dress/tunic, which gives off the vibes of being slightly bohemian, my sandals, which in my opinion let the outfit down a bit (you have to understand that I had to have comfy footwear because my friend and I decided to walk to the cinema - I walked over 12 km that day) and a few bits and pieces to go with that. The details of the outfit will be down below :)
halter dress - PROMOD
sandals - ???
tote bag - MOCAK
ring - BERSHKA
bracelet - hand-me-down
I feel like I'm obliged to share with you this musical duet I recently discovered by chance. They're called 'COALS' and they're a Polish band mainly composing in English. It's a hard job trying to describe music to a stranger, but I might as well give it a go. Before you listen, I'd say that their music is a melange of melancholic and electronic music with an additional drop or two of chill vibes and a hypnotizing effect which will get you listening to their album on repeat. If you're from Poland you may have heard of The Dumplings, I think their compositions are comparable, though COALS have an unpolished folklore sound to them which I've fallen in love with... I used 'November' in my video because it just seemed to fit the scenario. I'm sure you've all had that feeling sometime in your lives, when something just fits - end of. Take a listen!

Julia xo

Monday 10 August 2015


Why Project Cancer?
You're probably sitting in front of you chosen electrical device and thinking, what is the girl on about. Has she got cancer? Is she a voluntary helping people that have cancer?
If so, you've got a totally wrong idea. Before you read on here is a hint.


Project Cancer is the title of a film about Ulay (real name Frank Uwe Laysiepen) a German artist, if you can even call him that. I don't think there is another word to describe him, but even this one doesn't do him justice. He is a creator of art, a recreator of real life in the art world, a performer, an observer, a poet. I don't want to smear all of my opinions onto his work so I will merely be a messanger, delivering the inspiration to you. You have to let your own mind do the interpretation - I can only go so far with this... But I have to say this one thing, his work carries a deep, deep message. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's something you'll either love or hate to bits. Its execution, both his earlier works (his era working with Polaroid) like the photograph above that explores the border between genders, - essentially the whole concept of gender as well as, his performance art is sharp to say the least. The simplicity seems to be the key here.
You see, you register, you think for a while, you understand, you realise what a genius Ulay is, you continue to admire his other works and then like myself, the whole concept of art becomes redefined in your head - nothing seems the same.
Getting back to the film, the first thing you should know is that it's a documentary. Pure and true in it's form, a great way to get to know the artist - how does he think? where does his find his inspiration? the way he dresses and talks? It sounds vain ( at least the last question), but I have to be honest with my readers... I find it a crucial part of the whole 'discovering an artist' experience to see him in his natural habitat and everyday life. Is he nice? Is he this is he that? This enables me to put a few pieces of the puzzle together and understand, even in the slightest, what the guy is on about. ( I do hope I'm not the only one!!!) To tie those thoughts up with the movie - it's just the thing a newbie to Ulay needs. I was one until 2 days ago. I only went because I saw Marina Abramovic in the trailer of Project Cancer and... the banner on the facebook event was very intriguing.
Enough of my babbles. Here are the bits and bobs I found to give you a head start in your discoveries. I tried to pick out things that won't offend anyone, because some of his work (along with his collaborations with Marina can be a bit, well ... shocking).



Marina and Ulay - they were together for 12 years.
They said their goodbyes on the Great Wall of China in 1988.
Julia xo 

Thursday 6 August 2015

๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒตCacti day๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒต OOTD

Hey you guys,
I'm here today with another OOTD. The weather here in Cracow has been pretty good the last few days (minus the extreme humidity), so I managed to meet up with friends have a few spontaneous photo sessions.
I have to be honest with you. The outfit isn't something too original, nothing you haven't seen before. I like to keep it simple in the summer. To tell you the truth, putting on the choker was quite and ask for me as it was at least 30 degrees outside and way too humid for any living creature. I'm usually the type of person who finishes up her outfits with accessories - most of which are earrings and necklaces, but hot weather is an exception :) So here you go guys, a patterned crop top, high-waisted shorts, a belt, a red bag and sandals. I hope it'll inspire you to go creating your own 'combos of magic'! And... if you have any questions, I'm always happy to answer them....

~crop top - tally weijl
~shorts - thirfted (originally H&M)
~belt - reserved
~sandals - shoe boutique in Cracow
~ choker -eBay
~bag - hand-me-down


a wall near the main market square natural habitat

the thing behind is a caravan believe it or not!


contemplation in full swing...

If anyone is interested, since I recently did a post on Tate Modern, and his work is exhibited there, here is an article on 'How to be like Andy Warhol, according to Andy Warhol'. It's his birthday today so I thought it'd be a nice gesture.
And... you can also check out my fb page dedicated to art, books, music and fashion;a daily dose of inspiration is the best way to sum it up! ART CLAN

Till next time,
Julia xo

Tuesday 4 August 2015


Hey there,
So I've been working on this all day today and it's finally out there in the universe. Once again, something different - a mini ootd/vlog that I filmed with the help of my friend Sonia (I'm sure you'll be seeing more of her around here). The video is a kind of diary of our day out and an idea for anyone looking to go on mini adventures during the holidays, an idea for feeling comfy whilst roaming around. There's nothing more to it. Before you watch, the reason behind this post being called 'Wanderlust'...

๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒธMy Outfit Details๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒธ

dress ~ new look
sandals ~ new look
rucksack ~ hand me down

๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒธSonia's Outfit Details๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒต๐ŸŒธ

crop top ~ hand me down + DIY
shorts ~ bershka
shoes ~ deichmann
necklaces ~ hand me down
sunnies ~ c&a
bag ~ c&a
Thanks for you time,
Julia xo

Monday 3 August 2015

Tate Modern: a surrealistic paradise?

To mark the time that has passed since I was last in London (exactly a week ago today), I've decided to put together a post for you guys about surrealism, my experience at Tate Modern and in general what makes the museum such a wonderful place to visit.
If you've never heard of the place before, Tate Modern is an art gallery/museum in London, right by the river Thames, just across from St. Paul's Cathedral. (It's a 10/15 min walk from Waterloo station.) The greatest thing is that the visit is totally free. There's a recommendation that you donate £4 to the institution to keep it free.
Obviously talking about everything will be impossible so I just chose a few of the art pieces that left me stunned.
Nude, Green Leaves and Bust 1932 (Picasso)

Pisces 1938 (Man Ray)

Seated Woman in a Chemise 1923 (Picasso)

Painting 1927 (Joan Mirรณ)

The Three Dancers 1925 (Picasso)

The Autobiography of an Embryo 1933-4 (Eileen Agar)

The Uncertainty of the Poet 1913 (Giorgio de Chirico)

Metamorphosis of Narcissus 1937 (Salvador Dali)

Swinging 1925 (Wassily Kandinsky)
From this short list, you may get the idea that Tate Modern on hosts surrealistic pieces and a bit of abstract art... If you're not up for seeing these type of works, you'll definitely find something for your liking. 19 & 20th century realism is exhibited there, as well as temporary exhibitions too!
You see I'm a big fan of the likes of Dali, Mirรณ, Picasso, Kahlo etc. (the classics of 20th century art). My knowledge is very limited and I hope to delve into the whole subject a lot more in the future, but I still think I know more about art than the average person. I have quite a wholesome knowledge; the problems start when it comes to details etc. For now one step at a time. Wisdom (knowledge too) comes with age...
 I must be completely honest and say that some of the works I was looking forward to seeing disappointed me a little. Nonetheless, some artists (Beuys, el Salahi) that I had never heard of prior to this trip exceeded well beyond my wildest expectations. I guess that's just how it is nowadays. 
Overall, I think that the experience was a one I won't regret. Though I would recommend that you wear comfortable footwear and enter Tate with a lot of patience and a full stomach :) Hunger can sometimes get in the way of your interpretation skills. Maybe read something about the exhibition beforehand, that way you'll exactly what you're looking at as I found some of the captions very confusing. The stories behind the artwork are always exciting and I can assure you that the feeling of ''I already knew that'' in this type of gallery is a pretty nice one. Tate also offers free guided tours at certain times of the day, so be sure to check that out. Here's their website ---> TATE MODERN
And now to the photoblog part. Enjoy guys. Thanks to mum for taking them (canon 5d mark ii)
Outfit details:
Frida Kahlo top ~ RESERVED
denim jacket ~ THRIFTED
high-waisted jeans ~ ZARA
black sneakers ~ originally VANS (got them second-hand online)
scarf ~ MEDECINE
Frida Kahlo in Tate...

The installation by an artist called Beuys. Very cold and mystical don't you think?

A man admiring Picasso

The are meant to be the human organs. An interesting take on the actual thing.
I swear that the frame only makes it more interesting...

Posing next to Hillier's 'Variation on the form of an Anchor' 1939

This was probably the weirdest exhibit there. What do you think it is?
1988 (reconstructed in 2011) Lee Bul 'Untitled (White Carvings)'

The joy you feel when being constantly photographed... (I'm kidding)

Juxtaposition: trio vs. wall with painting

The was a video installation showing this face mask in action - this lady
drawing monotonously on a wall with the pencils that stick out.
If I remember correctly it's called a pencil mask.
The piece is by Rebecca Horn. (1972)

The Millennium Bridge leading to St. Paul's Cathedral

Me and Warhol's self portrait.

This piece is made up of bright blue copper sulphate crystals. Pretty cool hey?

Time for a ponder downstairs in a desolate place.


Industrial feel.

Thanks for your time,
Julia xo