Wednesday 26 August 2015


Today I just feel like presenting things/people to you - in hope of inspiring you guys. I thought that this would be the best way to do it - easy and clear. 

A true warrior. His story is more than inspiring. He's a Chinese contemporary artist and activist that was until July of this year under country arrest. His passport had been confiscated in 2011 due to his openly critical views towards the Chinese authorities (to say the least) Until today, I still thought he was country bound;doesn't life surprise you? 

He studied at the Beijing Film Academy and moved to the U.S. in 1981. You should definitely listen to some documentaries and interviews with him. It's definitely not a waste of your time. In fact it'll probably make you consider how lucky we are here in Europe to live in such freedom, where you can talk about everything with openness that we tend to overlook...

I've only been lucky enough to see one of his works, yesterday in fact at the MOCAK museum. The black dots are meant to represent oil stains (they're made from porcelain) - the badness in the world, the injustice, everything that makes our world 'polluted'.
Forever (2013) by Ai Weiwei

One of Ai Weiwei's most iconic piece of art is his 'Bicyles exhibition'. It's coming to London this September so if you're anywhere near there, be sure to check the thing out - I'd love to if I had the chance...


 To say I am a fan of this man is the understatement of the century. I am obsessed with his books. They may not be everyone's cup of tea, as with most authors, but they definitely do the thing for me.... 

A quick profile intro: 
~Japanese contemporary author
~ his books have been translated into over 50 languages.
~internationally best-selling author 
His works are tagged as surrealistic with a touch of fantasy, not at all Japanese as one would expect. I myself, would describe them as a melancholic reminiscence of youth. I've read many of his short stories and my most recent read Kafka on the Shore is one of my personal favourites... A book that combines two interrelated plots craftily, about a mad old man and a 15 year old runaway. If you're one for mystery, terror, fantasy and complex love affairs this book is one for you. What I loved about it was the many references to literature and ancient traditions. 

You should also get your hands on his classic Norwegian Wood... A love story one won't forget. 

Lately she has been a key figure when it comes to inspiring. She's a singer from Denmark, now 27 years old. I discovered her over a year ago, by pure coincidence (through tumblr). I would describe her sound as electronic indie with a tendency towards street and soul . Her voice is pure and charismatic, her music is true to itself, you can hear the meaning behind the lyrics...Chills...
She recently had a concert in Cracow and my friend and I decided to sit outside because we couldn't afford to buy the tickets (the concert was in a tent). I heard her voice perfectly and I had the best time... 

Go and explore. This is one of my favourite songs, the one I fell in love with first. Her whole album is worth listening to.
Julia xo